Version 0.3.1:

  • Update dependencies.

  • Allow the config parameter ‘frames_pattern’ to be a list containing only the indices of the detector frames to skip.

Version 0.3.0:

  • bcdi_utils.find_bragg: a parameter name in the function signature was change from “roi” to “region_of_interest”, therefore the region of interest was not taken into account anymore when calculating the peak position.

  • Postprocessing: fix bragg peak calculation for energy scans.

  • Postprocessing: raise NotImplementedError for energy scans not interpolated during preprocessing.

Version 0.2.9:

  • Add support for Python3.10 and update dependencies.

  • Refactor the function bcdi_utils.center_fft in separate classes using inheritance.

  • Split setup.ortho_directspace into methods to get the transformation matrix in the laboratory frame or crystal frame. Implement setup.ortho_directspace_labframe.

  • Create a new script postprocessing/, which only interpolates the output of phase retrieval (no processing on the phase)

  • Remove temporal couping in the initialization of the Setup instance. Set the paths, create the logfile and read it directly in setup.__init__.

  • Create classes Analysis, PreprocessingLoader and InteractiveMasker for preprocessing. Refactor preprocessing.process_scan to use these classes.

  • Add support for ESRF BM02 beamline (th rocking curve).

  • Create classes Analysis, PhaseManipulator and InterpolatedCrystal for postprocessing. Refactor postprocessing.process_scan to use these classes.

  • Remove the deprecated parameter ‘fix_size’. THe same functionality can be obtained by using the set of parameters roi_detector, center_roi_x and center_roi_y.

  • Previously the functionalities regarding Bragg peak finding, rocking curve fitting and plotting were located in tightly binded functions. A class PeakFinder is implemented to gather these functionalities and manage its own state properly.

  • Add unit tests to postprocessing_utils.find_datarange and make it dimension-agnostic.

  • Fix a bug with data path formatting in ID01BLISS loader (missing parentheses when creating the data path in the h5 file).

Version 0.2.8:

  • Add plot in bcdi_utils.find_bragg to check qualitatively the configured centering method. Save it automatically with the title ‘centering_method.png’.

  • Refactor: move all methods related to linecuts in a dedicated module and class. Improve the robustness of linecuts fits in postprocessing, by allowing each fit to have a different length.

  • Bug: allow sample_name to be an empty string, in order to match the data internal path in ID01BLISS h5 files.

  • Bug: override centering_method in PreprocessingChecker when the Bragg peak position is provided (the new setting becomes “user” for reciprocal space).

  • Bug: add the method utils.parameters.ConfigChecker._create_dirs, which creates the saving directory when the folder does not exist yet.

  • Bug: provide the correct binning factors to bcdi_utils.find_bragg by introducing a new detector property current_binning and using it as input parameter.

  • Calculate the Bragg peak position for the three methods “max”, “com” and “max_com” and plot the results to compare their efficiency. The type of centering_method is changed to dict in order to provide different methods for direct and reciprocal space (e.g. {“direct_space”: “max_com”, “reciprocal_space”: “max”}).

  • Use distinct names for the log files from preprocessing and postprocessing.

  • Move the calculation of corrected detector angles before the calculation of q_lab in postprocessing.process_scan. Previously it was using the values from the beamline log file, resulting in a small discrepancy.

  • Add a placeholder “-f” command line parameter to host the automatically generated parameter in Jupyter notebooks (path of the kernel json file).

  • Add support for high-energy BCDI at ESRF ID27 beamline. Add an example configuration file to the package.

  • Rename to, add support for CDI in the script.

  • Add option to skip unwrapping: add the boolean parameter skip_unwrap to the postprocessing. This can be useful when there are defects in the crystal and phase unwrapping does not work well.

  • Bug: provide the correct number of motor positions to xrayutilities Qconv for the SIXS beamline (beta needs to be duplicated because it is also below the detector circles.)

  • Modify the saturation threshold of the Eiger2M detector from 1e6 to 1e7 photons.

  • The log file will be created in save_dir if this parameter is defined, otherwise it will be created in root_folder.

  • Allow loading of Eiger2M detector data at ID01BLISS.

Version 0.2.7:

  • Use the package isort to format imports in a standard way.

  • Use multiprocessing for the analysis of several scans in In this case, flag_interact has to be False, and an optional mask can be loaded to be applied on the data. The use case is when one runs once the preprocessing manually and creates such a mask (it is saved automatically after the interactive masking as interactive_mask.npz), and afterwards wants to apply it to a series of scans measured in the same geometry. For each scan, a separate log file is created and saved in save_dir along with processing results.

  • A parameter mask was added to the config file for preprocessing. The loaded mask will be combined with the one generated automatically and used independently of flag_interact.

  • Use multiprocessing for the analysis of several scans in The use-case is when there is a series of scans measured with the same geometry and only an external parameter (gaz, temperature,…) changes. For each scan, a separate log file is created and saved in save_dir along with processing results.

Version 0.2.6:

  • Fix deprecation warning with the method pandas.DataFrame.append

  • Implement the ConfigChecker class and child classes to gather in a single location the configuration check before processing.

  • rename scan to scans in, and allow the user to process several scans. Allow to provide a list for specfile_name, template_imagefile, data_dir, save_dir, reconstruction_files with the same number of elements as the number of scans.

  • rename the parameter sdd to detector_distance to match PyNX terminology.

  • Add a colormap parameter to the config. The user can choose a colormap between “turbo”, “custom” or any colormap from the colorcet package

  • Add an estimation of the resolution in using a linecut of the reconstructed modulus and Gaussian fits to the derivative of the linecut at crystal edges.

  • Add a CITATION.cff file for easier citation of the package in scientific publications.

  • Change the default colormap for the turbo colormap. See

Version 0.2.5:

  • Remove support for Python 3.6 and Python 3.7

  • Use exact versions of dependencies in and requirements.txt to improve the reproducibility of results.

  • Bug: use explicitely the figure handle to save figures in and

  • Refactor: implement correctly the __repr__ methods so that eval(repr(instance)) is itself an instance.

Version 0.2.4:

  • Refactor: open files within context managers in utilities.load_file.

  • Create the class ContextFile implementing the context manager protocol. The method loader.create_logfile returns an instance of ContextFile, allowing its safe usage in other methods via the decorators @safeload and @safeload_static.

  • Refactor the signature of loader.create_logfile, so that all overriding methods share the same signature with the overriden base class abstract method.

  • Implement the function utilities.unpack_array, to avoid hard-coding array slices in methods using motor positions.

  • Feature: add support for the BLISS flavor of ID01 beamline.

Version 0.2.3:

  • Refactor: allow the command line parameters to be None. ConfigParser can now be instantiated providing the path to the config file only.

  • Bug: use the binned detector pixel size to calculate the transformation matrices

Version 0.2.2:

  • Move the configuration files and example modes data to a subpackage bcdi.examples so that they are distributed with the builds and wheels.

  • Move the run functions from and to new dedicated modules postprocessing.postprocessing_runner and preprocessing.preprocessing_runner, so that it can be imported.

  • Add an example in the documentation, using the dataset ID182 from the CXIDB.

  • Bug with interpolation with xrayutilities: use the correct number of values to unpack from the call to beamline.Beamline.process_position (the detector distance was missing)

  • Allow the correction of detector angles directly in and The user can either provide the Bragg peak position, or this one will be calculated from the provided direct beam position and the setup geometry. The user can still provide already corrected detector angles.

  • Bug: use the unbinned detector pixel size in detector.create_roi, diffractometer.init_data_mask and diffractometer.load_check_dataset instead of the calculated pixel size, which includes the preprocessing binning.

  • Rename the parameters for the definition of the detector ROI for data loading x_bragg and y_bragg as center_roi_x and center_roi_y, to avoid the confusion with the Bragg peak position.

Version 0.2.1:

  • Allow lazy loading of the experimental parameters: energy, detector distance, tilt angle, detector inplane and out-of-plane angles. If not provided by the user, the values will be looked for in the log/spec file. An exception is raised if they are not available.

  • Implement the chi circle at 34ID-C and update the calculation of the transformation matrix.

  • Add a task in doit to check for broken external links in the documentation.

  • The methods setup.ortho_directspace and setup.ortho_reciprocal now return also the transformation matrix from the detector frame to the laboratory frame.

  • Support APS 34ID-C for data preprocessing (loading of TIFF images).

  • Update the parameter “linearity_function” in preprocessing. Now this can be None (if unused) or a sequence of 5 real numbers corresponding to the coefficients of a 4th order polynomial.

  • Implement a parser for YAML config files. Now the scripts and can be run like scripts, from the command line, with optional command line arguments.

Version 0.1.7

  • Bug: apply correctly the non-linearity correction function to the detector frames (typo in the function name).

  • Modify the behavior of the parameter specfile_name: for beamlines relying on a separate file for logging motor positions (specfiles at ID01 and 34ID, fio file at P10), the user can provide the full path to the file

  • Implement loading motor positions from a specfile at 34ID.

  • Add mypy for type checking in doit and GitHub workflows.

  • Bug: correct the detector horizontal direction in Beamline34ID, it was flipped.

  • Rename the parameter data_dirname to data_dir for the function setup.init_paths. Now the user can provide directly the path to the data directory.

  • Move all functions related to dataset alignment in the module and create generic functions

  • Enable preprocessing d2scan using xrayutilities for ID01. The parameter follow_bragg become obsolete and is removed.

  • Add the module, which allows to create a support using polygons. Lengths can be defined either in pixels or in nanometers.

  • Merge the subpackage facet_recognition into postprocessing and rename the module to

  • Add the list of publications related to the package in the documentation.

  • Add class diagrams in the documentation using sphinxcontrib-mermaid.

  • Solve issues with numpy when building the documentation (enable Use system packages in ReadTheDocs advanced settings).

Version 0.1.6

  • Write unit tests for, now coverage is > 99% for this module.

  • move forward CDI gridding function to Setup.

  • implement DiffractometerP10SAXS and BeamlineP10SAXS classes for forward CDI experiments at P10.

  • split the module preprocessing_utils in two modules, bcdi_utils and cdi_utils.

  • Move generic functions from preprocessing_utils to utilities.

  • Create new validations functions valid_ndarray and valid_1d_array, implement the corresponding unit tests.

  • Refactor: rename preprocessing_utils.regrid to calc_qvalues_xrutils and move it to Setup. Put all the beamline dependent code in the corresponding Beamline child class.

Version 0.1.5

  • Bug: convert arrays to a tuple before checking the length in Setup.ortho_directspace.

Version 0.1.4

  • Feature: implement a new validation function valid_ndarray, implement tests and remove the redundant code in modules.

  • Refactor: split the Detector class using inheritance, refactor scripts accordingly and implement tests.

  • Feature: create a Beamline class with one child class for each beamline, move all beamline-dependent methods from Setup to the respective class and implement some tests.

Version 0.1.3

  • Refactor: allow the user to not provide a mask in the BCDI PRTF calculations (3D and 2D).

  • Refractor: split bcdi.experiment.experiment_utils module into smaller modules.

  • Refactor: enforce project’s guidelines for the code style and the docstrings.

  • Create a file (doit package) to simplify the life of contributors: now they just need to run doit at the same level as and verify that all checks pass before sending their pull request.

  • Create a file.

Version 0.1.2

  • Refactor: remove circular imports from modules.

  • Refactor: move crop_pad, bin_data and gaussian_window functions from to another module in order to avoid circular imports.

  • Feature: create a Diffractometer class with one child class for each beamline, move all functions related to the goniometer positions in the class.

  • Feature: add an option in to put back the sample in the laboratory frame with all sample circles rotated back to 0 deg.

  • Refactor: show only necessary plots and console output in

  • Refactor: create Setup calculated properties and transfer calculations in scripts to these properties.

  • Refactor: perform the geometrical transformation and rotation of the reconstructed crystal in a single step.

  • Refactor: perform the geometrical transformation and rotation of the diffraction pattern in a single step.

  • Bug: provide voxel sizes in the correct order when rotating the diffraction pattern in

Version 0.1.1

  • code cleaning.

Version 0.1.0

  • Feature: implement publication/, to compare with the experimental measurement in the crystal frame.

  • Refactor: simplify PRTF calculations.

  • Feature: implement the inplane rocking curve at CRISTAL.

  • Feature: implement graph_utils.savefig to save figures for publication with and without labels.

  • Feature: implement to calculate the width of linecuts through the center of mass of a 2D object at different angles.

  • Feature: implement to calculate line profiles along particular directions in 2D or 3D objects.

Version 0.0.10a2

  • Feature: implement, to interpolate the intensity of masked voxels using the centrosymmetry property

  • Feature: implement the interpolation of the reciprocal space data in the laboratory frame using the linearized transformation matrix

  • Refactor: update the calculation of the transformation matrices when chi is non-zero

  • Feature: allow different voxel sizes in each dimension in (NOT BACK COMPATIBLE)

  • Feature: implement validation functions in for commonly used parameters, implement related unit tests

  • Refactor: merge the class SetupPostprocessing and SetupPreprocessing in a single class Setup due to code redundances

  • Feature: implement, a GUI to get a linecut of a 3D diffraction pattern along a desired direction

  • Feature: add a GUI to, to get a linecut of the 3D PRTF along a desired direction

  • Feature: implement, to calculate the distance of the crystal to the center of rotation

  • Bug: in, solve bugs in plane fitting when the facet is parallel to an axis

  • Feature: implement, to rotate a 3D reciprocal space map around a vector

  • Refactor: in, implement skipping alignment between datasets or aligning based on a support

Version 0.0.9

  • Feature: implement support for MAXIV NANOMAX beamline

  • Feature: implement to follow the evolution of the Bragg peak between several rocking curves

  • Feature: implement to remove low frequency artefacts in the modulus reconstructed by phase retrieval

  • Feature: implement to calculate the angular cross-correlation CCF(q,q) over a range in q

  • Feature: implement and to plot the cross-correlation function output

  • Feature: implement the 3D angular X-ray cross-correlation analysis

  • Refactor: allow the reloading of binned data and its orthogonalization in and

  • Feature: implement to crop combined stacked data to the desired size

  • Feature: implement to plot interactively the integrated intensity in a region of interest for a 1D scan

  • Feature: implement to plot interactively the integrated intensity in a region of interest for a 2D mesh

  • Refactor: when gridding forward CDI data, reverse the rotation direction to compensate the rotation of Ewald sphere

  • Refactor: updated to use module functions

  • Bug: treat correctly the case angle=pi/2 during the interpolation of CDI data onto the laboratory frame

  • Refactor: solve instabilities resulting from duplicate vertices after smoothing in

  • Refactor: modify to use module functions instead of inline script

  • Feature: implement to compare several reconstructed modulus of a BCDI dataset

  • Feature: implement`` to find Bragg reflections for a particular goniometer setup, based on xrayutilities

  • Feature: add the option of restarting masking the aliens during preprocessing, not back compatible with previous versions

  • Feature: implement simultaneous masking over the 3 axes in two new preprocessing scripts and

  • Feature: implement to find the orientation of domains in a 3D forward CDI dataset of mesocrystal

  • Feature: implement to find in 3D the Bragg peaks positions of a mesocrystal (supported unit cells: FCC, simple cubic, BCC and BCT)

  • Feature: implement fit_1D to fit simultaneously ranges of a 1D curve with gaussian lineshapes

  • Feature: implement to interactively determine the background in 1D reciprocal space curves

  • Refactor: in multislices_plot() and contour_slices(), allow to plot the data at user-defined slices positions.

  • Feature: implement to calculate the PRTF also for 2D cases.

Version 0.0.8

  • Feature: implement, creating movies of a real-space 3D object.

  • Feature: implement, decomposition of a set of reconstructed object in orthogonal modes (adapted from PyNX)

  • Bug: correct the calculation of q when data is binned

  • implement scripts to visualize isosurfaces of reciprocal/real space including publication options (in /publication/)

  • implement, featuring psf and image deconvolution using Richardson-Lucy algorithm

  • implement separate PRTF resolution estimation for CDI ( and BCDI ( datasets

  • Feature: implement to average 3D CDI reciprocal space data in 1D curve

  • Feature: implement view_psf to plot the psf output of a phase retrieval with partial coherence

  • Refactor: change name of to

Version 0.0.7

  • Feature: implement supportMaker() class to define a support from a set of planes

  • Feature: implement maskMaker() class for easier implementation of new masking features

  • Debug for energy scans at ID01

  • Feature: implement utils/scripts/, to rescale a support for phasing with a larger FFT window

  • Feature/refactor: implement for forward CDI, rename existing as for Bragg CDI

  • Feature: add the possibility to change the detector distance in

  • Feature: add the possibility to pre-process data acquired without scans, e.g. in a macro (no spec file)

  • Feature: in, implement phase unwrapping so that the phase range can be larger than 2*pi

  • Feature: in, implement edge removal for more precise statistics on facet strain

  • Feature: in, allow anisotropic voxel size and user-defined reference axis in the stereographic projection

Version 0.0.6

  • Feature: implement facet detection using a stereographic projection in facet_recognition/scripts/

  • Feature: Converted bcdi/facet_recognition/scripts/

  • Feature: implement bcdi/facet_recognition/

  • Refactor: exclude voxels left over by coordination number selection in postprocessing/postprocessing_utils.find_bulk()

  • Refactor: use the mean amplitude of the surface layer to define the bulk in postprocessing/postprocessing_utils.find_bulk()

  • Feature: enable PRTF resolution calculation for simulated data

  • Feature: create preprocessing/scripts/ to apodize reciprocal space data

  • Feature: implement 3d Tukey and 3d Blackman windows for apodization in postprocessing_utils()

  • Feature: in postprocessing/scripts/, allow for binning the detector plane

  • Bug: in postprocessing/scripts/, correct the original array size taking into account the binning factor

  • Feature: implement postprocessing_utils.bin_data()

Version 0.0.5

  • Feature: implement support for SIXS data measured after the 11/03/2019 with the new data recorder.

  • Refactor: modify preprocessing/scripts/ to support several beamlines and rename it

  • Feature: implement support for multiple beamlines in postprocessing/script/

  • Refactor: merge all preprocessing/preprocessing_utils.regrid_*.py in preprocessing/preprocessing_utils.regrid()

  • Converted postprocessing/scripts/

  • Refactor: add the possibility of giving a single element instead of the full tuple in graph/graph_utils.combined_plots()

  • Converted postprocessing/scripts/

  • Feature: create a Colormap() class in graph/

  • Refactor: merge all postprocessing/scripts/calc_angles_beam_*.py in postprocessing/scripts/

  • Feature: Implement motor_values() and load_data() in preprocessing/

  • Feature: Implement SetupPostprocessing.rotation_direction() in experiment/

  • Feature: add other counter name ‘curpetra’ for beam intensity monitor at P10

  • Bug: postprocessing/scripts/calc_angles_beam_*.py: correct bug when roi_detector is not defined, and round the Bragg peak COM to integer pixels

Version 0.0.4

  • Implement motor_positions_p10(), motor_positions_cristal() in preprocessing/

  • Implement motor_positions_sixs() and motor_positions_id01() in preprocessing/

  • Implement find_bragg() in preprocessing/

  • New parameter ‘binning’ in postprocessing/ to account for binning during phasing.

  • Converted postprocessing/scripts/ and postprocessing/scripts/

  • Converted postprocessing/scripts/ and postprocessing/scripts/

  • Converted publication/scripts/

  • Feat: implement postprocessing_utils.flip_reconstruction() to calculate the conjugate object giving the same diffracted intensity.

  • Switch the backend to Qt4Agg or Qt5Agg in to avoid Tk bug with interactive interface.

  • Correct bug in preprocessing_utils.center_fft() when ‘fix_size’ is not empty.

Version 0.0.3

  • Removed cumbersome argument header_cristal in

  • Implement optical path calculation when the data is in crystal frame.

  • Correct bugs in preprocessing_utils.center_fft()

  • Correct bugs and check consistency in postprocessing_utils.get_opticalpath().

  • Add dataset combining option in preprocessing_utils.align_diffpattern().

  • Checked TODOs in preprocessing_utils

Version 0.0.2

  • Converted bcdi/preprocessing/scripts/

  • Converted bcdi/preprocessing/scripts/

  • Created align_diffpattern() in bcdi/preprocessing/

  • Created find_datarange() in bcdi/postprocessing/

  • Created sort_reconstruction() in bcdi/postprocessing/

  • Implemented regridding on the orthogonal frame of the diffraction pattern for P10 dataset.

  • Removed cumbersome argument headerlines_P10 in, use string parsing instead.

Version 0.0.1

  • Initial add, for the moment only the main scripts have been converted and checked: and